Monday, July 18, 2011

No One Listens

No One Listens

Hooray, proud grandparents we have come to be.

A brand new baby bounces on your knee.

There are grandparents who don’t really care

But the ones who do should always be there.

As the baby grows and the parents divorce

The Gran can be used as an evil force,

It’s so unfair when they are sent away

To them the children have a lot to say

We love you Gran what have we done

When we were together we always had fun

Mum says we can’t see you and sends back your gifts

Our love for you will never shift.

You were there for us when we needed to talk

You listened with interest when we went for a walk

Life is so dark without you to care

It hurts so much without you there

No one listens when we cry at night

It can start a row and end up in a fight

There must come a time when they do listen to us

And we’re together again without all the fuss

For the children and Grandparents life can’t be much tougher

Their feelings are ignored - why should they suffer?

Please someone out there hear their plea

Help Grandparents back to where they should be.

Written by Gail Newman

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